Two young sisters jumping in the water at Aboiteau Beach 
Two young sisters jumping in the water at Aboiteau Beach 
The Regional Town of Cap-Acadie assesses and monitors the water quality of Aboiteau Beach on a weekly basis. For saltwater beaches like Aboiteau, the test for Enteroccoci must be below 35cfu/100mL to be considered good for swimming.

If the range of readings are between 0 and 35, it means that the latest tests indicates that our beach has met national standards and is safe for swimming. If the readings are over 35, it means Enteroccoci levels at our beach exceed national standards and swimming is at your own risks.

A geometric average of the results is used to determine wether water quality meets national standards.

Guidelines for Canadian Recreational Water Quality

Click below to see the analysis results

Satisfactory to national guidelines
No Swimming Advisory
Beach Closed

Water quality FAQ